What We Believe

NorthPoint Community Church teaches that the Bible is God's Word.  The Bible is the source and norm of all our teachings and guides our values, ministries, and mission.  The purposes of our church are derived from plain teachings of Scripture.  We are conservative in doctrine and open and loving in how we live our faith.  The Bible helps us to understand our great need for forgiveness reminding us of our inclination to forget God and others and live only for ourselves.  Our hope for life rests in God's Word of salvation. 

It is through the Bible that we are led to see Jesus Christ as our hope for life.  He is our salvation!  As the only begotten Son of God, Jesus calls out to His church to "seek and save the lost!"  He reminds us that "God wants all to be saved!"  We believe that the only path to eternal life is through faith in Jesus as our Savior, who lived, died , and rose from the dead to earn forgiveness and life for us.

It is the Holy Spirit of God working through this message that is centered in God's Son, Jesus, that people are called to faith.  The Holy Spirit enables us to believe and to be heirs of God's promise in Christ.  It is this same Spirit who challenges us and enables us to live our lives to the glory and purposes of God.  The Holy Spirit calls the church to live in the purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, service, and outreach.  However, we believe that our Christian actions, which flow out of recognition of God's love for us in Jesus, in no way help us merit God's love or blessing, but are a faith response to God's wonderful love and promise. 

We believe that everyone who confesses Jesus as their Savior will be forgiven and saved and will seek to live their lives to the glory of God by way of living out their lives in God's purposes for them, namely, to worship him, belong to his family, grow and mature in faith, serve others, and proclaim their joy of faith to those who do not yet know God's love.
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Copyright 2006 - 2016 NorthPoint Community Church, Hartland, WI  (414) - 491-3719